AFP in the news

AFP joins sponsors of the Peter Mackler Award

AFP has become a sponsor of the Peter Mackler Award for Courageous and Ethical Journalism.

In this role, the agency, working with the AFP Foundation, will help finance and promote the annual Peter Mackler Award ceremony at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, and contribute to the Peter Mackler Award website, AFP's regional director for North America will also join the Peter Mackler Award Board of Advisors.
"I'm very pleased that AFP is able to provide support for the award issued in memory of Peter, who played such a vital role over nearly three decades in building the agency's international activities and reputation," said David Millikin, AFP's director for North America.
“We are thrilled that the organization my father devoted so much of his career to will help us carry on his memory and his impact on colleagues the world over,” said Camille Mackler, PMA project director. “The international experience of AFP's staff, as well as its keen appreciation of the difficulties faced by journalists working under duress will add strength to our project".
About the Peter Mackler Award
The Peter Mackler Award, founded in 2008, honors reporters and editors who have demonstrated a commitment to fairness in the story well told, and a matching commitment to defending the right to publish and air that story in countries which repress independent media. The award is managed by Catherine Antoine Mackler and their daughters Camille and Lauren. AFP joins Reporters Without Borders as an awards sponsor.