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AFP photographers honoured in the Days Japan international photojournalism Awards

Mahmoud Elhams and Louisa Maria Gouliamak have been honoured at the Days Japan international photojournalism Awards.

Mahmoud Elhams

Second prize for his pictures of Gaza


A Palestinian man holds up the body of one-year-old baby Noha Mesleh, who died of wounds after a UN school in Beit Hanun was hit by an Israeli tank shell, on July 25, 2014. Fifteen people were killed when Israeli fire hit a UN-run school in Gaza.  
© AFP PHOTO/ Mahmoud Elhams

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Louisa Maria Gouliamak

Special prize by jury for her pictures of the Kiev revolution


A protester hurls a molotov cocktail towards police from the barricades at Independence square in Kiev on February 19, 2014.
© AFP PHOTO / Louisa Maria Gouliamaki

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