
John Mac Dougall gets award at prestigious photojournalism competition in Germany

AFP's Berlin based photographer John MacDougall was on Monday, January 25th awarded 2nd prize in Germany's "Rueckblende" competition.

Rueckblende is the most prestigious photojournalism award in Germany and it is the second time in 4 years  that  John has been  rewarded for his outstanding work.

In 2011 he took home the first prize. This year's prize was awarded for an image of people gathering outside the French embassy in Berlin, showing support and defiance in the aftermath  of the attack on Charlie Hebdo.

A French / American citizen born in Paris in 1965, he is a 27 year veteran with AFP starting out at the photo desk in Paris in 1989 before upping sticks heading for Asia, where he worked on the desk in Hong Kong and as a photographer in Indonesia and India.

He returned to Europe in  2003  and has been based in Berlin since, where he has been a crucial part in establishing AFP photos in Germany.