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AFP ethics guidelines published in Arabic

AFP now has Arabic language versions of its charter – which reflects AFP’s values – and its guidelines on ethics and best editorial practices – which set down its basic principles and ethical standards.

The AFP charter defines, in six key points, the principles of reliability, impartiality and fairness applied by AFP in its coverage of world news, as guaranteed by its statute. It also reiterates journalists’ right to exercise their profession independently, without being subject to influence, attacks or threats.

The 30-page document on ethics and best editorial practices restates these principles in detail. The text, which reprises some of the ethics guidelines contained in the Agency’s style book, also gives recommendations regarding coverage of major events such as conflicts, elections, stock market news and scientific discoveries.

In keeping with the changing media environment, the document addresses the growing role of social media as news sources and the rise of user generated content – both of which must be rigorously authenticated and verified.

Published in 2016 in FrenchEnglish and Spanish, and intended for use by all AFP journalists (text, photo, video, infographics and videographics), the two charters are available in Arabic on AFP’s website. Chinese versions (one in traditional characters and one in simplified characters) are soon to be published in the context of our partnership with the Hong Kong University’s journalism school.


About AFP:

AFP is a global news agency delivering fast, accurate, in-depth coverage of the events shaping our world from conflicts to politics, sports, entertainment and the latest breakthroughs in health, science and technology. With 2,300 staff spread across almost every country, AFP covers the world 24 hours a day in six languages. AFP delivers the news in video, text, photos, multimedia and graphics to a wide range of customers including newspapers and magazines, radio and TV channels, web sites and portals, mobile operators, corporate clients as well as public institutions.

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