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AFP photographer Anthony Wallace wins at 2020 Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Awards for War Correspondents

At the 27th edition of the Bayeux Calvados-Normandy War Correspondents’ Award, AFP photographer Anthony Wallace has received the Public’s choice Award for his series "Hong Kong, a People’s Revolt" and was also awarded second place by the international jury in the Photo trophy.

Anthony Wallace is doubly rewarded for his work featuring the pro-democracy protests that sparked several confrontations with the city’s police. Challenges to the law allowing extradition to mainland China have turned into a revolt against the Beijing regime. Added to this is the fear that the semi-autonomous territory will see some of its freedoms disappear. Among the demands being made by protesters is an inquiry into the police, an amnesty for the more than 6,000 people arrested and the right to elect Hong Kong’s leader. 

Having graduated with an MA in Photographic Documentation and Photojournalism from the University of the Arts, London, Anthony Wallace began working at AFP as a photo editor intern, before definitively joining the Agency several months later in the same role, which he held for 4 years while also reporting at weekends. In 2016, he became chief photographer for AFP’s Hong Kong bureau. He covered a number of news events in Hong Kong as well as the Asia-Pacific region: the 2014 Umbrella Revolution in Hong Kong, the Christchurch mosque shootings in New Zealand and the major earthquakes in Taiwan. 


Anthony Wallace said: "I am deeply honoured to receive this award and dedicate it to the memory of my recently deceased grandfather, who flew three missions over the channel with the RAF on D-Day during WWII. My heartfelt thanks go to the twelve other AFP photographers and my bureau colleagues, with whom I covered this story as a team." 


He picked up personally this year the Remi Ochlik Award at Visa pour l’Image in France and the Human Rights Press Award for the same work and the Award for Excellence at the SOPA, one of Asia’s most prestigious journalism prizes, with Philip Fong, Hector Retamal, Nicolas Asfouri and Isaac Lawrence from AFP’s Hong Kong bureau.

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