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AFP photos of popular uprisings from Chile to Hong Kong displayed at the Bayeux Calvados-Normandy awards for War Correspondents 2020

For the 27th edition of the Bayeux Calvados-Normandy War Correspondents’ Award, which runs from 5 to 13 October 2020, the work of AFP photographers is on display in the streets of Bayeux.


AFP’s exhibition: protest movements around the world

In 25 large-format photographic canvasses exhibited in the mediaeval historic centre of the Norman city, AFP looks back at the Arab world, from Sudan and Algeria, where popular movements have already ousted heads of state, to Iraq and Lebanon, that have been rocked by unprecedented revolts. The exhibition then takes us to Latin America and to Hong Kong, where massive and sometimes violent demonstrations shook the semiautonomous territory for seven months, leaving behind a deeply wounded city. And finally, the shockwave caused by the death of African-American George Floyd, which led to several demonstrations throughout the United States and around the world against racism and police brutality.



Gaze into the mind of 15 year olds

The Calvados region invited 3rd year students -- 600 classes from all over the world, i.e. a total of 12,417 students -- to vote for the photo that symbolises today’s world for them from among 20 AFP photographs of international news over the last 12 months. The photo opposite, taken on 13 June 2020 in a Sao Paolo retirement home, won the most votes. Its author, Nelson Almeida, said: "I am happy that this moment has touched so many students. This image evokes so many things for me: love, protection, respect and loneliness which are feelings we are even more sensitive to in these times of pandemic."



War Reporters Memorial

At the annual ceremony to honour journalists killed in the line of duty over the past year, on Thursday 8 October, Reporters Without Borders will pay special tribute to AFP video journalist and photographer Nabil Hasan al-Quaety, who was killed in Aden (Yemen) on 2 June 2020.



Awards evenings

Presented by Nicolas Poincaré, this will take place on Saturday 10 October and will be streamed live on and Ten prizes will be awarded from 50 entries in all categories: seven trophies awarded by the international jury chaired this year by the British journalist Ed Vulliamy and three special prizes (written press, photo and television).



About AFP

AFP is a leading global news agency providing fast, comprehensive and verified coverage of the events shaping our world and of the issues affecting our daily lives. Drawing from an unparalleled news gathering network across 151 countries, AFP is also a world leader in digital verification. With 2,400 staff representing 100 different nationalities, AFP covers the world in six languages, with a unique quality of multimedia storytelling spanning video, text, photos and graphics.


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