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Leading scientists and fact-checking experts including AFP launch NODES, the first European Narratives Observatory to fight disinformation online


Debunking misinformation and publishing fact checks is essential but a new, unprecedented, project will soon help us understand better the disinformation phenomenon. “Narratives Observatory combatting Disinformation in Europe Systemically” or NODES is a pilot project set up by seven research and media partners including AFP, coming from four European countries and co-funded by the European Commission.





A consortium formed by Agence France-Presse (AFP), the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), PlusValue, Sotrender, Science Feedback, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, and coordinated by the European think tank Re-Imagine Europa (RIE) is launching a pilot project to establish the first European Narratives Observatory to fight online disinformation.

The main objective of NODES is to develop a novel large-scale mechanism to analyse and monitor the origin, development and spread of narratives classified as “disinformation”. In addition, NODES aims to provide quantitative and qualitative data on the narrative approach to disinformation and misinformation, concrete recommendations for future policy action, and novel practices.

The NODES consortium will analyse the most common narratives spreading on both traditional and digital media within three topics (Climate Change, Migration and COVID-19), and in four languages (English, French, Polish and Spanish).

Erika Staël von Holstein, Re-Imagine Europa’s Chief Executive, explained at the launch of NODES that “narratives are the structures through which we order and understand reality. They are central to the spreading of ideas, which makes them a key building block of the public sphere”. “This narrative’s observatory will allow us to develop a systemic solution to address the rise of disinformation in Europe. Narratives reveal the emotions and meaning behind what is said and can provide solutions that do not infringe on the freedom of speech”, she added. 

Christine Buhagiar, Director of AFP Europe, highlighted “AFP’s considerable effort in the fight against disinformation across the globe to debunk false news. Cooperating with researchers on the NODES project will take us a step further. From the day-to-day fight against disinformation to in-depth understanding of the phenomenon which is plaguing so many democracies.”

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