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More Live broadcasts, more original reporting: 2019 is a landmark year for AFP video

A year ago, AFP customers discovered AFPTV Live Select, a new, multi-feed Live video offer with IP delivery available via the web platform AFPTVLIVE.


Today, hundreds of active users from major international and national TV channels, media and digital pure players connect daily to, a global solution for planning and operating live video broadcasts from AFP.


The interactive agenda provides real-time information on AFPTV’s live coverage and the multi-feed display allows the possibility to choose, from four channels that can be live simultaneously, the feed they want to broadcast to their audience. The chat function allows live communication with AFPTV Live teams based in master control rooms in Paris, Hong Kong and, since January 2019, Washington DC.

Thousands of live feeds were delivered to subscribers in 2018 from more than 700 different locations including DR Congo, North Korea and Venezuela. 

“2018 has been an incredible year in terms of visual coverage for AFP”, says Phil Chetwynd, AFP’s new Global News Director. “AFP’s journalists were on the ground to report and transmit live images from across the world, bringing a unique angle to stories such as the earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia, out of where AFP customers benefited from the first agency video footage after the tragedy”.

Developing our visual journalism and especially our video footprint is at the heart of AFP’s editorial strategy. The first 2019 milestone was the opening of the new master control room in Washington, the last step in the development of our 24/7 Live operation. AFP customers are now able to receive even more original video feeds, especially out of the Americas.

New video positions will be created this year throughout the network, on the ground and within AFP’s newsrooms where editing teams ensure a fast delivery of images to AFPTV subscribers.

“While speed and reliability are at the heart of everything we do, we also put a strong emphasis on providing original coverage and on reflecting the diversity of points of view”, Chetwynd says. “The human angle is our corner stone, it is the DNA of AFP video, and we know how much our clients expect from us in this area”.

A ‘Features’ section is now available on AFP Forum to help users find original stories more easily, from a report on a safe haven for the LGBT community in Papua New Guinea to the harvest of Saffron in Iran.

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