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Vincent Amalvy appointed Director for Major Sports Events at AFP

AFP has appointed Vincent Amalvy as director for major events to strengthen its work on major international sporting events and with major sports actors.

His role will be to promote the global production of sports content associated with major sporting events:

•    His priority will be to manage the resources needed to guarantee optimal coverage by AFP of these events.
•    He will also be responsible for developing the production by the Factstory subsidiary of tailor-made content for sports institutions and companies.
•    And he will also be responsible for making major sports events an area for technological, commercial and editorial innovation adapted to the world of sport.

Major sporting events are a key priority for AFP and include the ongoing Beijing Winter Olympics, last year’s Summer Games in Tokyo and the upcoming FIFA World Cup In Qatar in November. 
Each year, several hundred multi-skilled journalists are mobilised to cover major sports events supported by technical and editorial teams around the world. This reflects the importance that AFP attaches to these coverages that showcase the full range of the agency's expertise.

Vincent Amalvy started out in journalism at regional French newspaper Sud-Ouest after studying law. He joined Agence France-Presse (AFP) as a photojournalist in its Bordeaux bureau in 1990, before moving to the Paris photo staff in 1992. He was appointed as chief photographer to Jerusalem in the autumn of 1995 and became AFP Chief photographer two years later in Paris. He was promoted to Editor-in-chief in 2000. He was handed responsibility for the France-Europe-Africa region in 2003, before becoming editor in chief of AFP’s global photo operation.
In 2006, he moved to Washington to take over as Chief regional photo manager for North and South America, and also had responsibility for organizing AFP’s coverage of global sporting events including the Olympic Games and the FIFA World Cup. 2011 back to the Headquarter in Paris and appointed Global Head of Sports. He is the first former head of photo department to take the reins of major general service at AFP. From 2016 he is based in Hong Kong as Head of Special Operations and Photo Director for Asia-Pacific.

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