Inside AFP

AFP named best news agency for second consecutive year

AFP's video production triumphs again at the AIB Media Awards 2021.

"What sets us apart is our unique worldwide network of professional journalists and the quality of our production.

We were the first independent media to enter Tigray after the Ethiopian government's offensive; we chronicled the Taliban takeover in Kabul and all over Afghanistan day by day; and we chronicled the consequences of global warming in the Brazilian Amazon with a major series of reports.

Our subscribers rely on us for high-quality, real-time, verified, on-the-ground coverage, and we are proud that the professionals at AIB also recognized our hard work with this award for the second year running."

said Juliette Hollier-Larousse, AFP's Video Director.  


Discover the AFPTV coverage from June 2020 to June 2021:


Created in 1993, the AIB Media Awards are organized by the Association for International Broadcasting and highlights the best in journalism and television, radio, audio, and digital productions.