Inside AFP

AFP renews its partnership with La Gacilly Photo Festival for its 2021 edition

Agence France-Presse has renewed its partnership with La Gacilly Photo Festival. For this 18th edition, entitled PLEIN NORD, taking place from July 1 to October 31, two AFP photographers, Olivier Morin and Jonathan Näckstrand, will exhibit their Nordic collections on environmental themes.


"Acclimatisations", by Jonathan Näckstrand  


Jonathan Näckstrand, a Stockholm-based photographer for AFP, has learned about the complexities of northern Europe by travelling extensively throughout the Scandinavian countries. His collection on display at La Gacilly documents the Nordic countries’ early awareness of climate change. After having learned to acclimatise to the cold, these lands must now deal with its gradual disappearance.


"Whether it's covering the Sami people who are forced to change their way of life [...], car races on snow that can no longer take place, or Greenland's glaciers breaking off into the sea with global warming, we can only face the facts."





This exhibition by Swedish artist Jonathan Näckstrand highlights how young activist Greta Thunberg is raising awareness of the climate crisis. It shows an entire section of the Apusiajik glacier in Greenland collapsing before her eyes, the icebergs off Kulusuk, the steady rise in temperatures and the seasonal disruption forcing the Sami reindeer herders and dog sledders to take drastic measures.




"Frosted Sports", by Olivier Morin 


Photo Editor France at AFP, formerly based in Stockholm, Olivier Morin presents a series on sports in extreme cold conditions. He documents the intimate relationship of slightly crazy sportsmen and women (freedivers, ice divers, surfers...) in an icy and snowy Scandinavian environment. Living with the cold all your life changes the relationship you have with these icy temperatures.


"There is even a moment when you develop a slight addiction to the physiological and psychological sensation it brings", Olivier Morin continues, affirming: "I am a cold weather aficionado! ".





Olivier Morin enthralled the schoolchildren and the audience who came to his presentation, where he showed how adaptable the Nordic people can be, as they surf in water as cold as 3°C with outside temperatures sometimes near -30°C.






Discover the complete program of the La Gacilly Photo Festival here.