Inside AFP
AFP teams take you back to the Winter Games
While the Winter Games ended yesterday, about 30,000 pictures have been broadcast. The greatest ones - taken by AFP photographers during the Games - are available on the Instagram account afpsport. Launched at the beginning of February, the account gathers the top sport pictures taken by the Agency photographers. The AFP’s sport production may also be consulted on the sports service’s Twitter account, @AFP_Sport
Three hundred videos, a hundred of dispatches per day written in 6 languages (French, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic) and about thirty infographics and videographics have completed the coverage of the Winter Games by AFP teams.
A dozen of photographers, 3 video reporters, 4 text reporters and 3 technicians were mobilized to cover the closing ceremony. Ten photo editors were on the photo desk of Pyeongchang to broadcast - in nearly live conditions - the closing ceremony to the clients of the Agency.
AFP has more than 100 people (journalists, photographers, videographers, technicians) deployed in Pyeongchang, Hong Kong, Paris and Seoul to ensure full multimedia coverage of the Winter Games.