Inside AFP

Eric Wishart to attend AAJA's N3 conference in Singapore


AFP Standards and Ethics Editor Eric Wishart will attend three panels at New.Now.Next Media Conference (N3Con) in Singapore on May 24-25.


Eric will speak at the following panels:

  • Ethics in the Newsroom: How to Manage and Advise Journalists on Critical Ethical Issues on May 24 at 3pm, with Business Mirror Reporter Cai U. Ordinario, Star Media Group Chief Content Officer Esther Ng Sek Yee, and CNN Business Asia Editor Juliana Liu
  • Good Journalists All Have a Book in Them - How to Write and Publish Your own Book on May 24 at 4.30pm, with China Tech Reporter for The Wall Street Journal Liza Lin, and journalist and writer Nicholas Yong
  • Elections Reporting: How to Effectively Inform Citizens... and get them to Subscribe on May 25 at 9.30am, with Rappler managing editor Miriam Grace A. Go,  Malaysiakini Head of Operations Tham Seen Hau, and The New York Times Asisa Editor Douglas Schorzman

Eric Wishart is a member of the ethics committee of the Society of Professional Journalists, teaches journalism at the University of Hong Kong, is a judge for the Hong Kong News Awards and SOPA Awards, and a member of the Organisation of News Ombuds and Standard Editors. He is the author of the recently published “Journalism Ethics: 21 Essentials from Wars to Artificial Intelligence”.


>> Check out N3's agenda


AAJA - N3 conference logo

N3Con is hosted by the Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA), a membership, nonprofit educational and professional organization with more than 1,500 members across the United States and Asia. It is committed to advance diversity in newsrooms and ensure fair and accurate coverage of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) within the U.S. Media.

AAJA’s Asia Chapter is open to all media professionals and students who strive for diversity, inclusion and editorial excellence in the Asia Pacific region. It upholds AAJA’s core values and goals and extends its mission’s scope beyond the strict boundaries of the AAPI community and US Media to all journalists and news organizations operating in this region. AAJA-Asia strives to:

  • Advance diversity (of gender, race, social class and age) and inclusion in media organizations
  • Support students interested in journalism
  • Advocate for fair media access
  • Support a diverse community of local and international multimedia journalists, media professionals and advocates for a vibrant press in the Asia Pacific region.