Inside AFP

New fact-checking alliance

More than 100 media outlets join forces to debunk fake news during election campaign in Argentina

AFP and Argentinian fact checker Chequeado are partnering with more than 100 media outlets and organizations to launch Reverso, the largest worldwide alliance created to date to fight misinformation in the Argentina presidential campaign, the first round of which will be held on October 27. 

Following the models of CrossCheck implemented during the electoral process in France and Nigeria, Comprova in Brazil and Comprobado currently developed in Spain, in which AFP participates or has participated, the consortium of national and international media and companies provides for the training of Argentinian journalists in monitoring and verifying techniques for viral content.

The goal is to produce articles and audiovisual pieces that dismantle the misinformation disseminated during the electoral process.

"AFP is delighted to play a role in this important and innovative project, created to allow Argentina’s elections to be protected from misinformation and manipulation," said AFP’s Global News Director Phil Chetwynd.

The articles will be published on from June 11 to December 11, when the new Argentinian government takes office, and the alliance’s username on social media will be @ReversoAr. Interested parties will also be able to communicate on WhatsApp at

AFP’s fact-checking team has existed since November 2017 and publishes verifications in several languages thanks to a network of more than 40 journalists and editors around the world.