Inside AFP

AFP official partner of Global Fact 10 in Seoul, the annual conference of the IFCN


AFP is an official partner of the 10th annual conference of the IFCN (International Fact-Checking Network), which will be taking place in Seoul, South Korea from June 28th to the 30th.


GlobalFact 10 - 2023


Each year, for three days, this conference brings together some 200 fact-checking organisations from all over the world, as well as researchers, media education specialists, technology companies, alongside the main social media platforms used today. Over 450 participants are expected to be in attendance.

Denis Teyssou (Head of MediaLab/Paris) will host a session about AI and disinformation on June 30th, and Shim Kyu-seok (Seoul) will be speaking at a session devoted to the fight against misinformation surrounding upcoming elections around the globe on June 28th.