Inside AFP

AFP's CEO Fabrice Fries Highlights AFP's Commitment to Factual Reporting at WAN-IFRA's Congress


On the third and final day of the World News Media Congress, organised by WAN-IFRA in Copenhagen, AFP Chairman and CEO Fabrice Fries participated in a session titled "Learning from Disruptors." 


The segment showcased non-traditional media companies that have successfully challenged established norms. Despite the theme, Fries made it clear that AFP remains committed to its traditional values, rooted in the agency’s origins dating back to 1835. 

“AFP is more than ever sticking to its fundamental mission: which is to tell the world’s stories in the most honest and factual way possible,” said Fries. “This mission is very old, but it’s also more relevant than ever today at a time of polarisation and massive disinformation.” 

Fries emphasised that although AFP does not position itself as a disruptor, it has made notable advancements in recent years. These include investments in top-tier video production, the establishment of the world's largest network of fact-checkers, and the provision of open-access training in digital investigation to journalists and newsrooms across the globe. According to Fries, these initiatives underscore AFP's dedication to quality journalism in an ever-evolving media landscape. 

Fries also outlined some of the main challenges AFP faces, including the financial struggles of media clients, the disruptive impact of AI in newsrooms, the disengagement of young audiences from news, the proliferation of misinformation, and the increasing attacks on democracy and journalists. He affirmed AFP's dedication to addressing these issues through innovative product adjustments and a staunch defence of press freedom. 

Following his keynote presentation, Fries joined a panel discussion alongside Chris Janz, CEO of Capital Brief and Member of the WAN-IFRA Expert Panel, and moderated by Martin Fröhlich, Director of the Digital Revenue Network, WAN-IFRA. 


AFP chairman and CEO Fabrice Fries at WAN-IFRA 2024 in Copenhague
AFP chairman and CEO Fabrice Fries at WAN-IFRA 2024 in Copenhague
AFP chairman and CEO Fabrice Fries at WAN-IFRA 2024 in Copenhague