Inside AFP

AFP’s presence at WAN-IFRA's Congress: From press freedom to AI challenges and awards

Under the overarching theme of 'Shaping the Future of News Media in the AI Era', AFP played a prominent role at the 75th World News Media Congress in Copenhagen from May 27th to 29th.


The annual conference organised by WAN-IFRA convenes media professionals from around the world to discuss emerging industry trends and challenges.

During the event's first day, AFP's Global News Director, Phil Chetwynd, contributed to a roundtable discussion titled "The Frontline in the Fight for Press Freedom," in which he denounced the lack of reactions from governments to the number of journalists killed during the Gaza war.

In the evening, AFP's Fact Check video playlists, "How to Verify Information Online," received the Digital Media Award Worldwide in the Best Fact Checking Project category, underscoring the agency's commitment to combating misinformation.

On day two, Chetwynd engaged in another panel discussion titled "The Forces Shaping Journalism and What to Do About Them." He highlighted concerns about diminishing public trust in journalism and the complex dynamics surrounding AI implementation in newsrooms.

The third and final day of the event featured a keynote address by AFP's Chairman and CEO, Fabrice Fries, in the session "Learning from Disruptors." Fries reaffirmed AFP's dedication to traditional journalistic values while acknowledging the agency's advancements in video production and digital investigation techniques.

During the event, the WAN-IFRA team also announced the election of its new President Ladina Heimgartner and unveiled the launch of the Newsroom AI Catalyst — a global accelerator program, in partnership with Open AI, aimed at enhancing efficiency and content quality through AI adoption in newsrooms.


AFP at WAN-IFRA 2024
AFP at WAN-IFRA 2024
AFP at WAN-IFRA 2024
AFP at WAN-IFRA 2024
AFP at WAN-IFRA 2024